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Domestic violence and technology research


eSafety Commission. Children and technology-facilitated abuse in domestic and family violence situations. (2019-2020).


Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN). Domestic violence and communication technology: Victim experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity theft (2017-2019)


Publications on gender, violence, and technology


Doerfler, P. Turk, K.I., Geeng, C., McCoy, D. Ackerman, J., Dragiewicz, M. (2024). "Privacy or Transparency? Negotiated Smartphone Access as a Signifier of Trust in Romantic Relationships" arXiv (preprint).Open access at


Media mention: Sparkes, M. (18 July 2024). Is sharing your smartphone PIN part of a healthy relationship? New Scientist


Dragiewicz, M., Woodlock, D., Easton, H., Harris, B., & Salter, M. (2023). “I’ll be okay”: Survivors’ perspectives on participation in domestic violence research. Journal of Family Violence, 38: 1139–1150.


Dragiewicz, M. (2023) Best practice principles for measurement of technology-facilitated coercive control. In B. Harris & D. Woodlock (Eds.), Domestic Violence and Technology: Experiences, Perpetration and Response (pp. 49-63). London: Routledge.


Woodlock, D., Salter, M., Dragiewicz, M., & Harris, B. (2023). “Living in the darkness”: Technology-facilitated coercive control, disenfranchised grief, and institutional betrayal: Violence Against Women, 29(5): 987-1004.


Dragiewicz, M. (2023). Best-practice principles for measurement of technology-facilitated coercive control. In B. Harris & D. Woodlock, Technology and Domestic and Family Violence (1st ed., pp. 49–62). Routledge.


Dragiewicz, M. (2021). How Children are Involved in Technology-Facilitated Coercive Control (slides). Plenary address. British Society of Criminology Annual Conference. 8 July, 2021.


Dragiewicz, M. How Children are Involved in Technology-Facilitated Coercive Control.
NARIKA webinar - Technology & Domestic Abuse: Awareness and Empowerment. 8/9 April, 2021.


Dragiewicz, M., Woodlock, D., Salter, M., & Harris, B. (2022). “What’s Mum’s password?”: Australian mothers’ perceptions of children’s involvement in technology-facilitated coercive control. Journal of Family Violence, 37(1):137-149.


Dragiewicz, M., Harris, B., Woodlock, D. Salter, M. (2021). Digital media and domestic violence in Australia: Essential contexts. Journal of Gender Based Violence, 5(3): 377-393.


Dragiewicz, M., O’Leary, P., Ackerman, J., Foo, E., Bond, C., Young, A., & Reid, C. (2020). Children and technology-facilitated abuse in domestic and family violence situations: Full Report. (ESafety Research). eSafety Commissioner & Australian Government.

eSafety. (2020). Children and technology-facilitated abuse in domestic and family violence situations: Infographic. eSafety Commissioner & Australian Government.

eSafety. (2020). Children and technology-facilitated abuse in domestic and family violence situations: Summary Report. (ESafety Research). eSafety Commissioner & Australian Government.

Harris, B., Dragiewicz, M., & Woodlock, D. (2020). Technology, domestic violence advocacy and the Sustainable Development Goals. In J. Blaustein & K. Fitz-Gibbon (Eds.), Emerald handbook of crime, justice, and sustainable development (pp. 304–324). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


Suzor, N., Dragiewicz, M., Harris, B., Gillett, R., Burgess, J., & Van Geelen, T. (2019). Human rights by design: The responsibilities of social media platforms to address gender-based violence online: gender-based violence online. Policy & Internet, 11(1), 84–103.


Douglas, H., Harris, B. A., & Dragiewicz, M. (2019). Technology-facilitated domestic and family violence: Women’s experiences. The British Journal of Criminology, 59(3), 551–570.


Dragiewicz, M., Harris, B., Woodlock, D., Salter, M., Easton, H., Lynch, A., Campbell, H., Leach, J. & Milne, L., (2019). Domestic violence and communication technology: Survivor experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity crime, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney.


Dragiewicz, M. (2019). Technology and Domestic Violence: Australian survivors’ experiences. Infographic. ACCAN.


Dragiewicz, M. (2019). Technology and Domestic Violence: Recommendations for Australia. Infographic. ACCAN.

Dragiewicz, M., Burgess, J., Matamoros-Fernández, A., Salter, M., Suzor, N., Woodlock, D., & Harris, B. (2018). Technology facilitated coercive control: Domestic violence and the competing roles of digital media platforms. Feminist Media Studies.


Dragiewicz, M., & Burgess, J. (2016). Domestic violence on #QandA: The “man” question in live twitter discussion on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Q&A. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, 28(1), 211–229.


Hayes, R. M., & Dragiewicz, M. (2018). Unsolicited dick pics: Erotica, exhibitionism or entitlement? Women’s Studies International Forum, (online first).


Dragiewicz, M., Woodlock, D., Harris, B., & Reid, C. (2018). Technology facilitated coercive control. In W. S. DeKeseredy, C. M. Rennison, & A. Hall-Sanchez (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Violence Studies (pp. 244-254). London: Routledge.


Chapter 3: New Technologies and Separation/Divorce Violence against Women in DeKeseredy, W.S., Dragiewicz, M. & Schwartz, M.A. (2017).  Abusive endings: Separation and divorce violence against women. Los Angeles: University of California Press.





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