Research on antifeminism & misogynist radicalisation
Institute for Research on Male Supremacism (IRMS)
International Consortium for Feminist Research on Antifeminist Movements (FEMRAM)
- Dragiewicz, M. (2011). Equality with a vengeance: Men’s rights groups, battered women, and antifeminist backlash. UPNE.
Flood, M., Dragiewicz, M., & Pease, B. (2020). Resistance and backlash to gender equality. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 1–16.
Suzor, N., Dragiewicz, M., Harris, B., Gillett, R., Van Geelen, T., & Burgess, J. (2019). Human rights as a resource for addressing gender-based violence online. .
Hayes, R. M., & Dragiewicz, M. (2018). Unsolicited dick pics: Erotica, exhibitionism or entitlement? 71, 114-120.
Dragiewicz, M., & Mann, R. M. (2016). Guest editors’ introduction to special edition: Fighting feminism – organised opposition to women’s rights; , (2), 1–5.
Dragiewicz, M. & Burgess, J. (2016). Domestic violence on #qanda: The “man” question in live Twitter discussion on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Q&A. 28(1): 211-229.
Dragiewicz, M. & DeKeseredy, W.S. (2012). Claims about women’s use of non-fatal force in intimate relationships: A contextual review of the Canadian research. Violence Against Women, 18(9) 1008-1026.
Dragiewicz, M. (2010). A left realist approach to antifeminist fathers’ rights groups. , 54(2), 197-212.
Dragiewicz, M. and Lindgren, Y. (2009). The gendered nature of domestic violence: Statistical data for lawyers considering equal protection analysis. (2), 229-268.
Rosen, L., Dragiewicz M., and Gibbs, J. (2009). Fathers’ rights groups: Demographic correlates and impact on custody policy. Violence Against Women, 15(5), 513-532.
Dragiewicz, M. (2008). Patriarchy reasserted: Fathers’ rights and anti-VAWA Activism. (2), 121-144.
DeKeseredy, W. and Dragiewicz, M. (2007). Understanding the complexities of feminist perspectives on woman abuse: A commentary on Donald G. Dutton’s Violence Against Women, 13(8), 874-884.
Dragiewicz, M. (2011). Tactics of Antifeminist Backlash against the U.S. Battered Women’s Movement.K. Carrington, (Ed.) Conference proceedings - Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: An International Conference (pp. 299-318). Available at:
Dragiewicz, M. & DeKeseredy, W.S. (2014). Claims about women’s use of non-fatal force in intimate relationships: a contextual review of Canadian research. In W.S. DeKeseredy & M. Dragiewicz (Eds.), gy (pp. 35-53). London: Routledge.
Dragiewicz, M. (2013). “You only get what you fight for”: Theorizing the backlash against the U.S. battered women’s movement. In S. Winlow and R. Atkinson (Eds.) New directions in crime and deviancy: Papers from the York Deviancy Conference. London: Routledge.
Dragiewicz, M. (2012). Tactics of antifeminist backlash: The view from advocates for abused women. In K. Carrington, M. Ball, E. O'Brien & J. Tauri (Eds.). Crime, justice & social democracy: International perspectives (pp. 162-174). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
DeKeseredy, W.S. & Dragiewicz, M. (2012). Gaps in knowledge & emerging areas in gender and criminology. In C.M. Renzetti, S.L. Miller & A.R. Gover (Eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies (pp. 297-307). London: Routledge.
Dragiewicz, M. (2011). Antifeminist backlash and critical criminology. In W.S. DeKeseredy & M. Dragiewicz (Eds.) Routledge handbook of critical criminology (pp. 279-288). London: Routledge.
Dragiewicz, M. (2010). Gender bias in the courts: Implications for battered mothers and their children. In M. Hannah and B. Goldstein (Eds.) § 5:1-5:18). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.
Dragiewicz, M. (2000). Women’s voices, women’s words: Reading acquaintance rape discourse. In M. Frye and S. L. Hoagland (Eds.) . University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Flood, M. Dragiewicz, M. & Pease, M. (2018). Resistance and Backlash to Gender Equality: An Evidence Review. Brisbane: Crime and Justice Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology & VicHealth.
DeKeseredy, W. and Dragiewicz M. (2009). Shifting Public Policy Direction: Gender-focused Versus Bi-directional Intimate Partner Violence. Report prepared for the Ontario Women’s Directorate. Toronto: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.
Politics in the Pub: Is Masculinity in Crisis? Presented by New Farm Neighbourhood Centre, Communify, Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane City, and Brisbane Powerhouse Arts. February 12, 2019. Brisbane, Australia.
Patriarchy as a contributing factor to violence against women. The West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Board of Directors Meeting. July 8, 2010. Cairo, WV.
Woman abuse as gendered violence. The Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region, Waterloo Region Sexual Assault& Domestic Violence Treatment Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty of Social Work, Faculty of Arts, and Women’s Studies Program. February 2, 2010. Kitchener, ON.
Lawsuits against battered women’s shelters: Implications for safety. Presentation to the Medical Society of the District of Columbia Task Force on Family Violence. November 17, 2009.
Research documenting the contribution of patriarchy to domestic violence. Battered Women’s Justice Project & University of Southern Maine’s Muskie School of Public Service Series: Researcher/Practitioner Dialogues on Violence Against Women Webinar. October 21, 2009.
Men’s rights groups’ lawsuits against battered women’s shelters, with Nancy Lemon and Kristine Lizdas.Jewish Women International’s National Alliance to end Domestic Abuse Teleconference Webinar.June 18, 2009.
Backlash against feminism. First Annual Canadian Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Homicides. June 15, 2009. London, ON.
Backlash: Underlying social policy, claims, and research. Domestic Violence Resource Network Critical Issues Meeting. October 22, 2007. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Anti-feminist father’s rights activism. radio interview, March 3, 2007. WUNH. Durham, New Hampshire.
The anti-feminist father’s rights movement. Coalition Advocates and Attorneys Network Annual Meeting. April 8-9, 2005. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Equality with a Vengeance: Men's Rights Groups, Battered Women and Antifeminist Backlash. Queensland University of Technology. November 2, 2012. Brisbane, AU.
Equality with a Vengeance: Men's Rights Groups, Battered Women and Antifeminist Backlash. Sponsored by the University of Western Sydney and the University of New South Wales. October 9, 2012. Sydney, AU.
Claims About Women's Use of Non-fatal Force in Intimate Relationships: A Contextual Review of Canadian Research. Podcast, hosted by Sage and Violence Against Women. December 18, 2012. Available at:
Author for Author Meets Critics:. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. November 17, 2011. Washington, DC.
Tactics of Antifeminist Backlash against the U.S. Battered Women’s Movement. Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: An International Conference. September 27, 2011. Brisbane, AU.
Communities Resisting: Theorizing the Backlash against the Battered Women’s Movement in the United States. York Deviancy Conference. June 29, 2011. York, UK.
Contested Child Custody: Anti-Feminist Rhetoric and Social Science. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting.
Beyond Critique 2: Beyond Backlash--Author Meets Reader--"Re-Conceiving Feminism, Law, and Social Change in the Present," eds. Chunn, Boyd, and Lessard. Law & Society Association and Canadian Law & Society Association Annual Meeting. May 30, 2008. Montreal, QC.
"A Discussion of Gender in the Etiology of Violence," invited workshop and panel discussion organized by the Working Group on Children, Families & the Law, and the Working Group on Gender, Law & Social Policy at the Baldy Center for Law and Politics, SUNY Buffalo Law School, co-sponsored by the University of Rochester Medical Center. March 24, 2008. Buffalo, NY.
“Father’s Rights vs. Family Safety: Gender, Custody & Intimate Partner Violence.” International Sociology Association meeting, Health In Families, Healthy Families: Gendered Explorations, May 10, 2007. Toronto, ON.
“What’s Wrong with ‘Fathers’ Rights’: What You Need to Know about the Fathers’ Rights Movement.” Featured Panel - Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting. March 16, 2007. Seattle, WA.
“Silencing Children's Stories: The Father's Rights Movement and the Backlash.” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. November 1, 2006.Los Angeles, CA.
“Breaking the Backlash: Tools You Can Use.” National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference.June 10, 2005. Orlando, FL.
Facilitator for Men's Groups and Violence against Women. Men's Groups: Challenging Feminism. A Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies Exploratory Workshop. May 27, 2014. Vancouver, BC.
Organizer and discussant for “Backlash Continues Part IV: Men's & Fathers' Rights Activism in Canada and The United States.” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. November 17, 2007. Atlanta, GA.
Updated 20 May 2020