Grants & Contracts
2023-2025 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN). Smartphone sharing with intimate partners: Implications for telecommunications consumer cybersecurity. Lead investigator: Dragiewicz, M. Co-investigator: Ackerman, J. ($48,478)
2023-2025 National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse grant. Improving legal, policy and practice responses to the intersection of domestic violence perpetration and child sexual abuse offending. Principal investigators: Salter, M., Dragiewicz, M. Woodlock, D., Co-Investigators: Lynch, A., Banks, C., Maltzhan, K., Breckenridge, J., McLeod, D.
($195,651) -
2023-2027 Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Culture and Society grant (35637 4). Coercive control and transforming practices of power: Understanding the experiences and needs of child victims-survivors (CAPUCS). Principal investigators: Laitinen M, Nikupeteri, A. (University of Lapland), Co-investigators: Dragiewicz, M., Haselschwerdt, M., Huss, E., Katz, E., LaPierre S.
($807,385) -
2021-2022 Griffith University Gender Equality Research Seed Grant. Red Flags, Banter and Blurred Lines: Exploring Consent in Sport. Principal Investigator: Willing, I. Co-Investigators: Pavlidis, A., Dragiewicz, M.
($5,000) -
2020-2023 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant. Parental alienation and domestic violence: International partnership for innovative strategies. Principal Investigator: Lapierre S. Co-applicants Damant D., Sheehy, E., Côté I, Scott, K., Jaffe P. Collaborators: Barnett A., Melan E., Kaganas, F., Vila, G.C., Meier, J., Doughty, J., Neilson, L., Feresin, M., Dragiewicz, M., Romito, P., Rathus, Z.
($199,953 CAD) -
2020-2021 Griffith University Arts, Education & Law Group Research Grant. Multi-sector collaboration to improve domestic violence victim safety: A pilot study of advocate colocation at two Queensland police stations. Lead investigator: Dragiewicz, M. Co-Investigators: Ackerman, J., O’Leary, P. Community partner: O’Malley, R. Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Gold Coast
($10,047) -
2019-2020 Commonwealth of Australia, eSafety Commission. Research on children and technology-facilitated abuse in situations of domestic and family violence. Reference No: 19CeSC029. Lead investigator: Dragiewicz, M. Co-Investigators: O’Leary, P., Bond, C., Ackerman, J., Foo, E. Young, A.
($230,830) -
2017-2019 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN). Domestic violence and communication technology: Victim experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity theft. Lead investigator: Dragiewicz, M. Co-investigators: Harris, B. Salter, M. Woodlock, D.
($53,247) -
2017-2019 Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) Constructions of complex trauma and implications for women's wellbeing and safety from violence. RP.17.09. Principal investigator: Salter, M., Co-investigators Conroy, E., Ussher, J., Dragiewicz, M., Burke, J., Middleton, W.
($179,099) -
2018 Fulbright Specialist Grant. Police and first responder domestic violence training with Fulbright Specialist Mark Wynn.
($7800) -
2017-2018 QUT Catapult Grant. Identifying and responding to online abuse and harassment through machine learning models. Lead Investigator: Suzor, N Co-Investigators Nayak R., Dragiewicz, M. Harris, B, Burgess J.
($51,016) -
2017 QUT Office of Research and Faculty of Law Linkage Project Incentive Scheme Investigators: Dragiewicz, M., Burgess, J, Suzor, N, Harris, B.
($10,000) -
2017 QUT Faculty of Law Collaborative Seed Funding Grant. A Human Right to Personal Security Online. Lead investigator: Suzor, N. Co-Investigators: Dragiewicz, M., Harris, B.
($5,970) -
2013 Canadian Institutes of Health Research Planning Grant: International Research Collaborations, Safe at Work: International Research Collaboration for Understanding the Health and Safety of Anti-Violence Workers in Canada and Australia. Principal investigator: Dragiewicz, M., Co-investigators: DeKeseredy, W.S., Salter M., & Breckenridge, J.
($21,828 CAD) -
2011 Canadian Foundation for Women, Evaluation Summary for Luke's Place: Family Law Literacy for Abused Women. Principal investigator: Barkwell, C. & Cross, P. Co-investigators: DeKeseredy, W.S., Dragiewicz, M., & Demers, K.
$26,750 CAD) -
2009 Ontario Women’s Directorate, Public Policy Shift Report: Gender Focused vs. Bi-directional Intimate Partner Violence. Principal Investigators: DeKeseredy, W.S. and Dragiewicz, M.
($4500 CAD) -
2008 Ontario Women’s Directorate. Domestic Violence Advisory Council Legal Response Working Group Study. Principal Investigator: Barkwell, C. Co-Investigators: DeKeseredy, W.S., Dragiewicz, M. and McKinley, M.
($25,000 CAD). -
2007 – 2008 Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. A Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis for Abused Women Unrepresented in the Family Law System. Principal Investigator: Barkwell. C. Co-Investigators: Dragiewicz, M., DeKeseredy, W.S., Cross, P., Benson, R., Sinclair, D. and McKinley, M.
($67,450 CAD)