Journal of Gender-Based Violence
Special Issue
Call for abstracts
Vicarious trauma prevention for gender-based violence researchers
Guest editors:
Molly Dragiewicz
Associate Professor
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Griffith University
Bethany L. Backes
Associate Professor & Cluster Lead
Violence Against Women Faculty Cluster
Department of Criminal Justice | School of Social Work
University of Central Florida
The call for abstracts is now closed. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted abstracts for the special issue. We've received 70 abstracts from 11 countries so have a lot of reviewing to complete and then consider the balance of topics and approaches.
We will inform authors by 01 April whether we would like them to submit a full paper. Full papers will be due for submission by 31 August 2024 and will undergo the journal’s standard double-anonymous peer review process.
Please see our instructions for authors for guidance on preparing your submission.
01 February 2024: Deadline for submitting abstracts to Guest Editors
01 April 2024: Feedback and decision on the acceptance of proposals
31 August 2024: Deadline for submitting full draft papers for review
October/November 2024: Reviews returned to authors
January/February 2025: Revised manuscripts due
February - May 2025: Further revisions as needed
October 2025: special issue published
This special issue will highlight research and strategies for researcher and student training to identify and address vicarious trauma throughout the research process. As the field of gender-based violence research expands, so does the number of researchers and graduate students exposed to vicarious trauma. Doing research on trauma often includes learning about survivors’ experiences, which can have a cumulative effect on researchers. Vicarious trauma can result from engagement with survivors, victims’ loved ones, perpetrators, and the institutions charged with responding to violence and abuse. In addition, many GBV researchers have lived experience which may affect the experience of vicarious trauma.
This special issue will build the knowledge base on vicarious trauma prevention to better address vicarious trauma for emerging and experienced researchers.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
Strategies for researcher/mentor well-being
Assessing student readiness to study gender-based violence
Separating therapeutic and educational goals
Setting effective boundaries for supervisors and researchers
Understanding institutional resources and policies
Physical and psychological safety
Establishing vicarious trauma prevention infrastructure to support student training and researcher longevity
We are seeking conceptual or empirically based articles (maximum 7,000 words) for the Main section, or shorter pieces (2,000-4,000 words) for the Policy and Practice or Open Space sections. Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted via this link: by 1 February 2024 for consideration by the Guest Editors. Completed articles will be required by 31 August 2024.