Smartphone sharing with intimate partners: Implications for telecommunications consumer cybersecurity
ACCAN funded project
The survey is complete! Thank you to everyone who completed it. We are currently contacting those who volunteered for interviews and conducting interviews.
Project team
Project leads: Molly Dragiewicz & Jeffrey Ackerman
Research Assistant: Marianne Haaland
School of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Griffith University
While cybersecurity self-help advice is readily available to consumers, most resources are focused on preventing unintended sharing of devices, passwords, accounts, and personal information. This advice is ill-suited to intimate relationship contexts where sharing is common. A lack of baseline knowledge about smartphone-sharing practices and the reasons
behind them has hampered Australian efforts to strengthen consumer cybersecurity. This study will create a new evidence base to understand everyday consumer smartphone sharing in intimate relationships using a survey and interviews with diverse consumers. This information is needed to improve privacy protections and cybersecurity for all Australians.